Perhaps you know your sales team isn’t running at full capacity. Maybe you can see issues like struggles to find new prospects, client communication, or inability to close the deal. Or perhaps you can’t see the issues.
The signs of sales stagnation aren’t always obvious. And even if they are obvious, they don’t provide the full picture of where your team is at and how you can support them in the role they provide for you.
Sales mean profit, and the more you understand about where the gaps are, through review and analysis, the more focused and profitable your team will become.
Anyone involved in your sales process would benefit from a sales review – from sales people, to managers and leaders.
But one of the most crucial assessments we make is with sales management. By engaging sales managers in the process we can make sure the wider team have ongoing access to structured coaching, accountability and motivation from a leader with the skills to bring out the best in each team member.
Our specialist tools provide key data on all aspects of your sales process and your team members’ response.
Our foundational assessment looks at the 21 core sales competencies, and where your team members sit within those. The tools are there to highlight people’s strengths and weaknesses – this is a positive thing, giving clear channels of what skills to get assistance with.
The analytics report we provide allows your team to refine and adapt what they’re doing or not doing – it provides a really clear picture of where the gaps are, so our sales training program can be tailored specifically to your team needs – even to the needs of individuals.
We use the top sales assessment tool available as the foundation for our analysis and training programs. For nine years running, it has been voted the top the top tool, which says a lot.
We objectively assess your sales team to ensure we know where to focus our training and coaching support. These assessments provide the framework for success in our training programs. It gives you a clear picture of each person’s strengths and key areas for improvement.
It also gives you a clear understanding on the growth you should expect to get from the investment in sales development.
We don’t just roll out one standard assessment for the sales team as well as the managers. There are key distinctions and focuses on each of these roles. Here’s what’s important in evaluating each role.
Depending on the scale and location of your team we generally visit head office in person. This gives us the ability to talk you through the importance of the assessment process, encourage buy-in from team members, and outline the results this analysis and training could deliver for them.
Assessments are conducted individually – one of our team members will sit with your person and take them through the 15 min assessment. After all data is collected we assess it and provide a written, and often in-person, report to your management team.
We will provide a best practice plan for sales training which we’ll walk you through. This will include timings, costs and any individual training components that will need to be planned for.
Where do you think your sales team are at?